Friday, August 9, 2019

My Marriage Status

I wanted to write and give my current status of my marriage if anyone is interested:

*my wife and I are separated for 6 months because of the issues in our marriage. ( I am unable to communicate with her for 1 year ) 
*I have repented of my many sinful ways, I take full responsibility for them and I desire to reconcile with her
*I am staying celibate/faithful and waiting for my wife to decide if she will communicate with me at all? ( we are still bound till death or adultery happens ) 
*My main focus daily is to grow / serve God in spirit and truth
*I will do that with or without her in the future as I live for God now not myself or people
*I would desire to serve God with her if she returns to me. 

Please pray for us and if you want more details on how we really got to this place, go to this link: